bf-media logo

We create visibility for your communication

We are media sales professionals with over 20 years of experience. We sell media space effectively and in a targeted way, in both print and digital media. With our extensive network of partners, we work together to achieve the goals set by our clients. And we do it with quality and professionalism.


bfmedia mediamyynti palvelu


We sell media space for publications of our contracted customers. Our extensive experience in specialized media in various sectors guarantees our clients professional and interested representatives.

PUBLISHING, print & digi

When your special publication needs a publisher, we’re ready. We are interested in a variety of publications where we can work with our clients to achieve the best possible outcome. Our extensive network of partners ensures cost-effective production costs and distribution. Publishing and media sales are part of our expertise, let’s join forces and create a special publication just for your readers.

bfmedia lehtien kustantaminen
bfmedia advertoriaali natiivimainonta


An advertorial is an article written in the form of a ”story” at the request of a client. The industry also refers to this as native advertising. It tells the reader in more depth about what you do and the services you offer, or even the learning opportunities you provide. For an advertorial, our editor will arrange an interview with you, on the basis of which he or she will write an article for you, tailored to your needs. We will produce a visually and contextually interesting package from the images you provide and the article.



bfmedia mediamyynti palvelu


We sell media space for publications of our contracted customers. Our extensive experience in specialized media in various sectors guarantees our clients professional and interested representatives.

bfmedia lehtien kustantaminen

PUBLISHING, print & digi

When your special publication needs a publisher, we’re ready. We are interested in a variety of publications where we can work with our clients to achieve the best possible outcome. Our extensive network of partners ensures cost-effective production costs and distribution. Publishing and media sales are part of our expertise, let’s join forces and create a special publication just for your readers.

bfmedia advertoriaali natiivimainonta


An advertorial is an article written in the form of a ”story” at the request of a client. The industry also refers to this as native advertising. It tells the reader in more depth about what you do and the services you offer, or even the learning opportunities you provide. For an advertorial, our editor will arrange an interview with you, on the basis of which he or she will write an article for you, tailored to your needs. We will produce a visually and contextually interesting package from the images you provide and the article.

Interested? Let’s get to work!
Contact us and let’s find a good collaboration model to take your message and publication to the level it deserves.


Markku Rytkönen
markku.rytkonen [a]
Tel. +358 40 544 4027


BF Media Oy
PL 80, 02211 Espoo

Business ID: 0653268-1
Billing information
e-invoice address: 003706532681
Service provider: Aktia Pankki Oyj